Home » Highlight » EXCLUSIVE | 9th Study about the state of Labor Relations in Portugal

EXCLUSIVE | 9th Study about the state of Labor Relations in Portugal

This study will analyze the state of Labor Relations in Portugal using a representative sample of the
Portuguese population. To be able to draw its conclusions within a 5 year period, data will be collected
and compared from 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 3014 and 2015.
It is a unique and unprecedented study in Portugal concerning the tendencies and transformations to
labor relations.
Various central issues to this subject will be covered such as the condition in which labor relations find
themselves in both throughout the nation as well within businesses; the labor relations among Trade
Unions and Employers; which elements of this subject the Portuguese Workers consider to be the most
important; and finally the Portuguese corporate action in regard to Social Responsibility towards the


You can download the Study in this LINK: OPBPL_2015_9º Estudo Relações Laborais_ENG

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