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OPBPL | 5 Years of intense work and research

The year 2015 marks a milestone for the OPBPL, we celebrate 5 years of uninterrupted work carried out by everyone involved.

Please do consult Our Work of 5 Years by safely downloading the file:



The Portuguese Observatory for Good Labour Practices – OPBPL – is an independent labour relations analysis structure in Portugal, within the European Union, the Lusophones domain and within the Democratic Societies, of which the Union and Business Federation Associativism constitute the pillars of the political system.

We were aware since the very beginning that good practices regarding labour relations was one of the elements of the Unions and Business activities that has not been subjected to proper analysis, despite it being of extreme importance if we consider how vested in these issues the Social Dialogue Partners seem to be, there hasn’t been a lot of scientific systematic and objective analysis on said issues as well as others like social responsibility and best managerial practices – nor do we have a national tradition of furthering such efforts.

In this sense the Portuguese Observatory for Good Labour Practices has provided an independent contribute for the filling of this particular scientific and civic intervention gap.

It is in this fashion that throughout 5 years of work the OPBPL has built its own space.

Furthermore the Observatory is on a mission to periodically and systematically promote the diversified aspects of the Trade Union and Business Federation activities in regard to Labour Relations in its broader expression.

That mission has been achieved by the publication of Studies, Electronic Papers, Analysis to the Legislation, Good Labour Practices and Labour Market, which in it selves frame the limits to the Unions and Business Federations’ behaviors and interactions, namely in negotiating processes regarding Collective Labour Agreements.

OPBPL has now 5 years of investigation, dedicated to the Scientific Community, the Trade Unions, Businesses and the Civil Society .


Throughout these 5 years of commitment the OPBPL registered a remarkable development in scientific production and dissemination.

USI – Independent Trade Unions Confederation has allowed for its operation since 2009 through a Protocol signed with CIES-IUL – Center of Sociological Studies and Investigation of ISCTE-IUL.


It is our belief that the OPBPL has now reached a plateau of remarkable credibility and notoriety.

The OPBPL has been consecutively highlighted in the media, namely the I Newspaper, Público Newspaper, Diário de Notícias, Directorate-General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP), Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Observatory also has a record of internationalization, of which are included four distinguished partnerships. The European Confederation of Managers (CEC), the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), the European Institute of Labour related Studies (IES) and the European Comission Network for Good Labour Practices (REWORDS).


The OPBPL is now frequently quoted by a very significant amount of players and opinion makers within the Portuguese society.

Currently there is a registered number of 1330 results for an OPBPL internet search, of which one can find the OPBPL to be available on the first 150 entries outputted by a simple GOOGLE search, in addition to seeing its Studies referenced in other search engines like E-BOOKBROWSE.

Furthermore the 17 Electronic Papers (bilingual) set a milestone in national self-assentation and internationalization of the OPBPL.

The 17 Electronic Papers of the OPBPL are also a study source for the Civil Society in general and for the Managers at USI in particular, in  which are included Unique Studies published by the Observatory, namely the 8 Editions regarding the state of Labour Relations in Portugal.


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